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Chocolate, voluptuous and delicious

Delicious Italian chocolate! Dark, white, half-sweet, bitter, with hazelnuts. A jubilation of chocolates, pralines, cremini, bars, Easter eggs: you’ve simply got plenty of choice from the great variety of “shapes” and types of Italian chocolates.

Christopher Columbus tasted a drink made of cocoa in Honduras in 1502 then he decided to import the beams to Europe. In the XVIIIth century the chocolate was produced in Turin, Florence and Venice. In the third Millennium which are the best production Italian areas? Although the geographical area involved with the production of chocolate in Italy is quite big, “it is basically a poker of aces” that makes the difference: the Piedmont, Umbria, Tuscany and Sicily. The Piedmont opens the scene with a mix of history and legend and the people from Piedmont already claimed the invention of chocolate Easter eggs in the XVIIIth century. Apart from being true or false, Turin has been undoubtedly one of the main Italian towns for the production of chocolate since the XVIIth century. And what can we say about the famous “gianduiotti”, the icon of the chocolate pralines from Turin shaped as a slice, made of milk chocolate? Moreover, there are a number of cuisine routes throughout the region that are dedicated to chocolate tasting and the towns of Torino, Asti, Boves, Cherasco, Sommariva Bosco, Leinì, Castellazzo Bormida, Fossano and Castellinaldo must be mentioned.

Then Umbria with Perugia that has been identified with chocolate since the beginning of the XXth century thanks to the famous business “Perugina” that meant at developing that area and invented a number of mythical products such as the “Bacio Perugina” (the Perugina Kiss).

 In the centre of Italy Tuscany stands out since a number of Masters of chocolate are spread around the region starting with Florence. Sweet charming attractions can be found in Sicily too where the production of chocolate is one of its main features especially in Modica in the province of Ragusa where chocolate has marble colour shades because of the big sugar granules that are left in the cocoa dough. If you want to travel around the chocolates routes in Italy, don’t miss the many events that are held, from Eurochocolate to Choccobarocco, Cioccoshow and CioccolaTò and plenty of tasty fairs too.

Luciana Francesca Rebonato

Web content manager
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