Studying Italian

Here are all the rules and grammar exercises divided according to the subject:

  1. THE ALPHABET: grammar - exercises
  2. THE NUMBERS: grammar - exercises
  3. THE NOUNS: grammar - exercises
  4. THE PRONOMINAL PARTICLES: grammar - exercises
  5. THE ARTICLES: grammar - exercises
  6. THE VERBS: grammar - exercises
  7. THE VERBS - THE CONJUGATIONS: grammar - exercises
  8. THE VERBS - THE MOODS: grammar - exercises
  9. THE VERBS - IRREGULAR VERBS: grammar - exercises
  10. THE VERBS - TO BE AND TO HAVE: grammar - exercises
  11. THE VERBS - MODAL VERBS: grammar - exercises
  12. THERE IS, THERE ARE, HERE: grammar - exercises
  13. HOW TO SAY I LIKE: grammar - exercises
  14. THE PREPOSITIONS: grammar - exercises
  15. THE ADJECTIVES: grammar - exercises
  16. THE ADVERBS: grammar - exercises
  17. THE PRONOUNS: grammar - exercises
  18. THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: grammar - exercises
  19. DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH: grammar - exercises
  20. THE CONJUNCTIONS: grammar - exercises
  21. THE PUNCTUATION MARKS: grammar - exercises
  22. THE POLITE PHRASES: grammar - exercises
  24. THE PARTS OF THE SPEECH: grammar
  25. THE INTERJECTIONS: grammar - exercises

Sapere Più - Centro Servizi Scolastici

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Sapere Più - Milano - Italia

Italian courses for foreigners