Delicious Italian chocolate! Dark, white, half-sweet, bitter, with hazelnuts. A jubilation of chocolates, pralines, cremini, bars, Easter eggs...
The rule is simple: the better the wine is the better the vinegar will be. Actually, in Italy the vinegar is mainly derived from the wine and its colour comes from its well-known forefather.
Black or white? The protagonist is the Italian truffle, a delicious tuber to be discovered by following its perfume trails along a number of routes that cross the geography of taste and centuries of history.
Plutarch, in fact, used to consider the truffle the result of the combination of rain, warmth and soil.
To the North but not too far, towards the Po river where humidity wraps it all, there’s an area where the Parma ham, the most famous in the world, was born and there’s no other place where it could be produced. It is the plane of Emilia-Romagna.
Italy in a goblet. One of the prides of Italy are the soldiers of Bacchus that enable to taste the whole country through its oenological world. And what a world! At present there are 330 Doc (controlled designation of origin) wines and 73 Docg...
It is one of the National glories - in 2011 the pizza from Naples asked Unesco to be recognized as immaterial patrimony of human kind, and its identity card reveals a very old tradition. It seems that pizza was born around three thousand years ago, at least according to a group of historians who gathered in San Francisco...