Easter, the hymn to life
The Italian saying goes “Christmas with your family, Easter with your friends” thus explaining the way Italians live their traditions: Christmas with your family and Easter even on the go thanks to Spring time. The Christian Easter – also called the Resurrection Easter – the it is celebrated in Italy, is preceded by the Lent that seams to have two different historical origins: according to the Roman rituals that was commonly performed in the Western part of the world, the Lent used to start on the ash Wednesday and finished on the Holy Thursday while according to the Ambrosian ritual that is the official ecclesiastical ritual chosen by the Archdiocese of Milan it used to start from the Sunday that comes after the “fat Tuesday” of the Carnival and finishes on the Easter’s night.
In Urbania – in the Marche -, on Easter the traditions, the spirituality, the art and the food are gathered around the traditional procession and you can see the typical living pictures. The Easter Procession of Sora – in Lazio – is well-known because of its touching mood and it is considered one of the best in Italy together with the one from Enna in Sicily that is an attraction for thousands of tourists each year. Around 2.500 hooded friars parade on that occasion. The Italian Christian Easter is a solemn and enchanting celebration to be separated from the Orthodox one that uses the Giulian calendar instead of the Gregorian one. Moreover, every year the Easter date is different. Why? Everything goes back to the decisions made by the Council of Nicea in 325: they decided to set the Easter date on the next Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox – it was March the 21st then that has been used as a reference date since that moment.
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