At the Court of Thermal Baths

Italy, land of thermal baths, so ancient and yet so amazingly contemporary. They represented at the beginning of human history the first wellness temples. Thanks to Romans who believed in the dogma  salus per aquam – health comes through water- Majestic, specifically the one built by Nerone (65 d.C), Caracalla (217 d.C), Diocleziano (302 d.C.) and Costantino (315 d.C).

The Romans used to match water and its therapeutic features to the benefits of meditation, relax and sport by creating the famous saying mens sana in corpore sano: a to this purpose each thermal centre used to offer peculiar facilities  – from the amazing Caracalla’s library – to its beautiful landscape up to the top class sports centre.
Ages go by, we get to the XVIIIth century and the Italian thermal baths are trendier and trendier as it is stated by the Italian comedy by “I bagni d’Abano” by Carlo Goldoni, a piece of writing where the author tells about the levity of vacation at the thermal baths. Anyway, the golden age of Italian thermal baths is the XVIIIth within the Liberty context featuring the triumph of art and thermal baths. Things haven’t changed a lot in the XXIst century since around four hundred thermal baths are present featuring different roles and functions: wellness and therapy.
Thanks to a strong integration between these two aspects, the secret is nowadays the thermal wellness based on the quality of services being offered and featuring a number of treatments that can be performer only at the thermal baths and that are different from the wellness offer tout court. The seaside, the lake, the mountains and the hills: Italian thermal baths are spread everywhere and they represent a cocoon-like oasis of relax.

Did you know that…
In the mapping of thermal baths in Italy, the gold medal is awarded to Tuscany followed by Veneto and Emilia Romagna.


Luciana Francesca Rebonato

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